Twelve Gauge Trixie– Che Cafe Show!

Photography By: Macey Keung (@shutterluvbug)

March 31, 2023 Twelve Gauge Trixie debuted in San Diego (second show) as an up and coming rock inspired group in college town’s favorite venue– the Che Cafe. San Diego in itself loves indie-rock and all things hardcore, but 80s inspired rock with the malaise that devours our local scene in 2023, has been unheard of and lacking until now! I scored an interview with the few after catching their set; their energy was unmatched, their songs were all their own, and their sound was just as unique and badass as the musicians themselves. Here’s some insight on 12GT, who they are, what they do, and what they have going on this summer! 

(Interviewer): So first what are all your guys’ names, and how did you guys all connect and kind of get the group started? 

(12GT): I’m Paloma I’m the bassist, I’m Violet I’m the singer, I’m Mia I play guitar, I’m Blake I’m the drummer, I’m Art I play guitar. 

(Violet): Well I met you (talking to Mia) because I play in another band you know I’m in Mouthguard, and we became close homies because of that. So what about Y’all. 

(Art): I met Mia because she came to one of my shows when I was in another band called Randy, and so she came a few times and I connected there with her. And then this foo right here, Blake our drummer, I’ve been playing with him since we were in diapers. 

(Interviewer): Awesome, nice! So you guys just kind of already knew each other and formed from there.

(Violet): And then we just hit up Paloma; we thought they looked cool as fuck! (Interviewer): Well awesome it sounds like you guys are all on the same page and really connected as a group. So this next question kind of goes for your first show that you played last week as well in Ocean Beach at Humble Heart, so I wanted to know how you are feeling about that? Are you guys anxious about your performance or excited about all that just happened and is there anything you guys are hoping for for your next gig? Maybe a different venue, crowd-wise, energy-wise, etc. 

(Violet): I mean for me, I always get a lot of anxiety before playing a show you know, but I really liked how the past couple of shows have turned out. The only thing I wish for next, and this will be continuous, is more people. More people, more people, all the time. What about you guys? 

(Mia): I feel like our first show was kind of interesting, like we were all a little bit nervous, but then we played one last night, and it was actually pretty fucking good. That was like a house party in Lakeside. 

(Interviewer): I went to the Humble Heart one as well, and I actually thought that was a pretty big turn-out for that type of gig, but definitely as you progress and get further up on the lineup, there will be more people there for sure, so that’s super cool– and then this is because you guys have a pretty unique sound for San Diego at least something that the scene might not be used to, I mean me and Mia were talking about this you guys do a sort of rock thing and so I wanted to ask what the inspiration was for the music that you guys make, and what you kind of draw from creative wise, you know what your favorite bands are. 

(Art): Okay well I’m kind of inspired by like 80s glam metal, so a lot of Motley Crue, Def Leppard, LA Guns, and stuff like that.

(Mia): I’d probably say about the same, and I’d say that Guns n Roses is definitely one of my top favorites. 

(Blake): I like a lot of the same stuff as well, and you know I like Thrash metal, and a little bit of old outlaw and folk country. 

(Violet): My biggest inspiration to get into the hardcore vocals is Rage Against the Machine. I love their message, I love their vocals… I think they’re sick as fuck. 

(Paloma): I’m very influenced by a lot of 70s punk like Buzzcocks, Subhumans, that’s my jam. 

(Interviewer): Oh yeah, yeah, that’s super sick. That energy definitely comes through in your guys’ performance. So assuming you guys are in the midst of writing original works and with what you guys played during your set and getting a feel for stylistically what you want to put out into an audience and an EP or just singles how is the writing process like what does that look like— do you all pitch in is it just one person, is there a synergistic and easy flow with everyone working together from the lyricism to putting the riffs and drum beats into play; just tell me a little bit about that. 

(Violet): I think the writing process for me at least is like they’ll kind of write some shit and they’ll send me a recording, and then I’ll write lyrics for that. 

(Art): Yeah so we just go into the studio, and we play, and we see what we come up with, and that’s literally it. Like our first song we played, I did that right before our first practice ever and I just showed them that and we just kind of build off of things.

(Paloma): Yeah usually one person will start and we’ll all kind of just build off of that. 

(Interviewer):Oh man, that's super sick. So this will be my last question because as I said this piece will be pretty short and I know you guys have to get out of here, but I wanted to know what’s in store for you guys next or what you’re hoping to get out of this experience together. I definitely know more shows but Art you were saying hitting the studio so will you guys be dropping music, or are you planning on just playing locally– just kind of tell me about that. 

(Art): Well yeah so we’re actually hitting the studio tomorrow, so we’re going to Studio West to record three songs. So we’re doing that and then we have another show coming up, what is it– April 7th? Yeah in OB. And then I think we’re just going to try and get as many shows as we can. 

(Interviewer): That’s so awesome I’m so excited for what’s to come! Well that’s it, that’s kind of all I had for you guys unless you had anything you wanted to say or add? It was so nice meeting you all. Shout out Twelve Gauge Trixie! Check em’ out! 

(Violet): Keep doing fucking music, regardless of if people think you suck, you know like I don’t know, fuck the bullshit. 

(12GT): Fuck the bullshit! 

Interviewing 12GT was such a blast and their energy onstage surely transfers to hanging out with them in person. There’s a lot coming for this local SD band and for more information definitely follow their socials!

Written By: Allison Grace (@allieepayne)

Published: 08/22/2023


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